Day 5 – Focus Diabèt

DAY 5 – Focus Focus diabetes Friday, November 22 Reminder of schedule Today, let’s find out more about diabetes and play a little… To round off a week rich in events and exchanges, today we find out what diabetes is. In France, over 4 million people...

Day 4 – Focus handicap auditif

DAY 4 – Focus handicap auditif Thursday, November 21 Reminder of schedule Don’t forget, today we communicate differently by putting words in our hands! Come and learn French Sign Language (LSF) by taking part in the certification course run by Visuel LSF...

Day 3 – Focus troubles Dys

DAY 3 – Focus troubles Dys Wednesday, November 20 Reminder of schedule Disability, stop preconceived ideas! Come and test your knowledge of disability with the Buzzer Quiz and put yourself in the shoes of a person with DYS or autism. Meet in the Belvédère room,...

Day 2 – Autisme Spectrum Disorders 

DAY 2 – Focus on… AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS Reminder of schedule Today, speech by one of our employees,Niall, on his daily life with an autistic child. Meet in « K’Fêt »at 3.30 pm  Focus on... AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS A neurodevelopmental disorder...

Day 1 – Handicap, STOP to preconceived ideas ! 

DAY 1 – Handicap, STOP to preconceived ideas!  STOP to preconceived ideas! Because disability is not an obstacle to performance, let’s work together to make inclusion a reality at LDC! Disability is a reality that affects many people. Within the company,...