DAY 3 –


troubles Dys

Wednesday, November 20


of schedule

Disability, stop preconceived ideas!

Come and test your knowledge of disability with the Buzzer Quiz and put yourself in the shoes of a person with DYS or autism.

Meet in the Belvédère room, from 10am to 4.30pm


There are five main categories of specific language and learning disorders, commonly known as ‘dys’ disorders.

Did you know?

DYS disorders, or specific learning disorders, affect more than 4 million people in France, or 8% of the population.

There are several types:

Written language disorders:
(formerly Dyslexia and Dysorthography)

Un corbo pré ché rus lantème d’une patiman celle dans sonspéc un souri bésé. Rande fureille par cette oisaue cruelle des enfants lance des caions pour lobiésé a sanvolé.

Disorder of written language and therefore of learning to read and spell. It involves difficulty in manipulating the sounds that make up words. Dysorthographia involves an alteration in spelling.

Coordination development disorders:
(formerly dyspraxia)

People with dyspraxia have difficulty coordinating and planning voluntary movements correctly, such as writing (which can lead to dysgraphia).

They have difficulty acquiring the automatisms that come from learning, as if they had to relearn them over and over again.

Dysgraphia: handwriting disorders

Dysgraphia involves difficulties with coordination and line direction, which may appear as soon as the child learns to write.

People with dysgraphia have no intellectual delay or neurobiological deficit.

What is affected is the organization of the ‘graphic’ function, which requires constant effort.

Oral language disorders:
(formerly dysphasia)

 » Chaud boire ?
Veux dormir pas
Hier allé zoo « 

A structural, primary and long-lasting disorder of oral language learning,
Dysphasia can be more or less severe, affecting either the understanding of language, the programming of language sounds or their production, or the availability of words and their syntactic arrangement.

As a result, dysphasics are often not at ease when speaking, even though their ideas and reasoning are ‘intact’.

Sentences are short, telegraphic or indistinct. Pronouns and prepositions are forgotten, and verbs are used in the infinitive.

Numeracy and arithmetic: dyscalculia

Four thousand and six: 40006
341 = three four hundred and one

Dyscalculia is a combination of calculation disorders affecting different mental operations. They lead to difficulties in learning numbers, operations and logical-mathematical reasoning.

DYS disorders are not the result of an intellectual disability or mental disorder, but of a neurodevelopmental problem, more or less severe depending on the individual.

These DYS disorders are long-lasting and constitute a difficulty, particularly for children, in accessing education. For some adults, persistent disorders are a disadvantage and require appropriate treatment.

These are indeed Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), and it often happens that several disorders are diagnosed in the same person. For example, dysphasics are often dyslexic, dyslexics have some dyspraxia…

Each Dyslexic person is therefore unique

Dyslexic disorders are a handicap in everyday life and cause a whole host of difficulties:

Reading and decoding text, spelling, orienting oneself in time and space, running, jumping, writing, cutting out, drawing, tying shoelaces, buttoning, arithmetic…

Cognitive overload is generally accompanied by attention problems and extreme tiredness.

An RQTH enables the company to put in place appropriate measures to help with DYS disorders:

Human support:

doctors, neuro-psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychomotor therapists, etc.

Technical devices to compensate:

software to help with reading, voice synthesis software, adaptation of training to limit writing (mind mapping), adaptation of communication methods, etc.

People with DYS are born with DYS and will become adults with DYS.

However, if they have been diagnosed, they will learn to live better and compensate for their difficulties.

Quiz of the day

Can a dyslexic person have their workstation adapted if they have a Reconnaissance de la Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé (RQTH)?

Speech therapy cures dyslexia

Do you have any questions

about the RQTH?

In-house, your disability advisor is
Barbara Jubarumleczek